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Top Gear USA Season 2 Episode 7

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Top Gear USA Season 2 Episode 7 - Beating Tanner : network history channel aired 04/09/2011 at 10:00 AM, If not for the brave performance in the indie film the which won many awards and honors Critics, Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN, his career may not be as advanced as today. In the movie She and her best friend, Gael Garcia Bernal plays the two friends are still looking for identity and learn a lot from a long trip with an older woman. That's what makes the movie work orders received in Hollywood and Spain. Not only Because a lot of bold scenes but the film was made by Alfonso Cuaron did a nice story about the search for identity teenagers and won many awards at Various festivals.

Born in 1979 in Mexico Had he started acting on television from a young age and in 1991 played in his first film, Ultimo EL FIN DE ANO and Hone in local TV telenovela. And in El Abuelo YYO (1992) he Became acquainted with Bernal and later Became good friends even today. She and Bernal form Canana Productions produces the which Documentaries for TV.

The owner's full name Diego Luna Alexander was also playing in VAMPIRES: LOS MUERTOS (2002), Frida (2002), and in 2008 in Milk with Sean Penn in the which he Became Milk's boyfriend, Jack Lira.

The world stage is not far from his blood, his father was a theatrical stage set designer and from there he Recognized the world stage.
Luna married Mexican actress, Camila Sodi, in 2008 and has been blessed with two children.

31-year-old actor is very fond of Mexican cinema Because he grew up and was born in Mexico, although he did not mind filming in other countries. In Addition he has also directed two films; ABEL (2010) and JC CHAVEZ (2007) and Became a National Geographic channel narrator Who Speaks Spanish. After a double play with Bernal, Will he play again with his friend in the movie CASA DE MI PADRE the which will of releases due out this year.
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